True Health Revealed

Benefits vs Risks of Alcohol

Episode Summary

For over 30 years the Dietary Guidelines for Americans have recommended ‘moderation’ for those who drink alcohol. But what is moderation?

Episode Notes

The Guidelines may be relatively consistent but drinking patterns (especially during Covid-19 pandemic), and types of beverages have changed significantly.
Harvard’s Dr. Eric Rimm, thought leader, alcohol researcher, and True Health Initiative Council member, joins Kathleen Zelman on the podcast for a spirited conversation into the prevailing wisdom and body of evidence on alcohol consumption.

There is no recommendation to start drinking for health. So, if you don’t drink, don’t start. The rest applies to those who do drink alcohol. 

They discuss how, in the context of a healthy lifestyle that includes regular physical activity, not smoking, wholesome diet and healthy body weight, alcohol in moderation confers health benefits. Learn more about the risks; who should avoid alcohol; binge drinking and the importance of moderation.

Key messages: