True Health Revealed

Break Free from Alcohol Addiction with Dr. Harry Haroutunian

Episode Summary

This episode is a wonderful journey with Dr. Harry Haroutunian, known by all his patients as "Dr. Harry." He helps his patients break free from alcohol addition and substance abuse. He is an internationally known expert and speaker on topics in field of addiction and substance abuse disorders.

Episode Notes

As Physician Director of the Betty Ford Center, Dr. Haroutunian has contributed to the development of a variety of programs, including their Extended Care Program, the Licensed Professional Program and the Clinical Diagnostic Evaluation Program. 

He is the author of the renowned book, Being Sober, the foreword for which was written by Steven Tyler of Aerosmith (and to whom Dr. Harry is not only a friend, but his sobriety coach). Dr. Harry collaborated with Dr. Louis Teresi on Hijacking the Brain: How Drug and Alcohol Addiction Hijacks our Brains - The Science Behind Twelve-Step Recovery.

Episode highlights: 

Dr. Harry and I discussed his perspectives from tens of thousands of hours of clinical (and personal) experience with alcohol abuse and recovery.First and foremost, he notes his strong family predilection for substance abuse disorder with alcohol.

Dr. Harry believes childhood is where the roots of all substance abuse disorders are rooted.

60% of alcohol abuse disorder is driven by genetics. But Dr. Harry emphasizes the importance of environmental/social pressures in aggravating genetic tendencies.

The association of alcohol abuse recovery and sugar cravings is documented and strong. 

The C.A.G.E. questionnaire is a great screening for alcohol dependency.

If anyone wants to reach out to Dr. Harry for gold standard support into substance abuse disorder recovery, call 760-972-7840.

Notably, Dr. Harry is a big fan of Nathan Pritikin and the Pritikin Diet, having attended programs at the Pritikin Longevity Center when it was originally in Santa Monica, CA and run by Nathan himself.