True Health Revealed

Dr. Pam Peeke’s Guide to Optimal Health

Episode Summary

Internationally renowned expert, Dr. Pam Peeke, joins Kathleen Zelman on the THR podcast to discuss her guide to optimal health and well-being. Her incredible passion, wisdom and wit has the power to help you on your journey to better health.

Episode Notes

You will be inspired and motivated to adopt her science-based philosophy of good health for your body and your mind through a commitment to self-care, self-love, regular physical activity and a whole food Mediterranean style dietary plan. 

Key Messages:

Don’t eat after 8 pm.Strive to eat within a 12 hour or less window and give your body 12 hours to reset.

Get moving, aim to accumulate 6-8000 steps per day. Use it or lose it – keep muscles strong by simple activities like pushups and planks. Fitness is energizing and critical to living healthfully and longevity. 

Eat whole foods, less processed foods and stay clear of the ‘hyper palatables:’ those sugary, salty, fatty foods that are addictive. Enjoy them as occasional treats. 

Make a plan and follow it regularly much like a yoga practice. Start with small steps that are sustainable in your commitment to a healthy lifestyle. 

Practice self-care, led with compassion and empathy. Be good to yourself. Self-love is an important part of being healthy. Don’t try to be perfect; aim to be better. 

Be mindful of the food you are eating by savoring the taste, smell, and pleasure. 

To achieve a health span, a long vibrant and robust life, you have to do the work.