True Health Revealed

The Evolution and Revolution of Lifestyle Medicine

Episode Summary

Lifestyle Medicine, rather than pills and procedures, should be the core of virtually all healthcare related interactions. Fortunately, that is the mission of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, the Executive Director for which, Susan Benigas, is our guest on this episode.

Episode Notes

Lifestyle Medicine, rather than pills and procedures, should be the core of virtually all healthcare related interactions. Lifestyle related behaviors including nutrition, physical activity, sleep, stress, risky substances and social connections are behind approximately 80% of early, preventable chronic disease and death in the United States.

Fortunately, that is the mission of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, the Executive Director for which, Susan Benigas, is our guest on this episode. Susan is one of a kind. Her knowledge on the state of lifestyle medicine in medical education and medical practice is tremendous and her energy is infectious.

She takes us through the journey of the foundation of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, its current state and future. We discuss the six pillars of Lifestyle Medicine, the distinctions between Lifestyle Medicine and both functional and integrative medicine. And Susan explains how to find physicians who are certified by the American Board of Lifestyle Medicine.

In between all of that are a number of extra details that you’ll just have to listen to hear for yourself! Thanks to Susan‘s energy, the episode will fly by in a flash!